Home Camping How to Prepare for Backcountry Camping & the Best Campsites to Visit

How to Prepare for Backcountry Camping & the Best Campsites to Visit

backcountry camping

Backcountry camping is one of the most beautiful experiences you can have. But, preparing for anything that might come your way while being outdoors and far from civilization is important.  Especially if you are going on a more extended trip.

There’s nothing more magical than the remoteness of the backcountry, its wilderness, serenity, peace, and mesmerizing views. If you are headed to the backcountry, it’s crucial to have some survival and campsite skills and discover the remote areas safely.

Here are some tips to help you prepare for this trip. And we’ll check some of the best campsites you must add to your bucket list worldwide.

Pack The Essential Gear

First and foremost, you will need proper gear and equipment for your backcountry travel. Fundamentals like a down backpacking sleeping bag, a tent, a backpack, sleeping pads, fleece jackets, a hammock, or mattresses are important to be prepared and comfortable in the wild.

Before you embark on such a journey, make sure you test out your tent and air mattress so you know they are in tip-top shape for the trails. You’ll also want to pack comfortable hiking shoes, a rain jacket, and a couple of pairs of wool hiking socks. Investing in good camping gear allows you to enjoy the outdoors and spend time doing what you love.

Important – Pack light and carry only the essentials!

Take Care of The Environment

As humans, we leave our carbon footprint on the earth and the surroundings we live in. So, it’s important to take as many precautions as we can to protect the environment and ensure an enjoyable trip. Here are some tips to help you with it:

  • Light fires only in areas where it’s permitted
  • Recycle fuel canisters
  • Do not harm the wildlife
  • Be self-sufficient
  • Dispose of the garbage properly (including the burial of human waste!)
  • Plan and wear portable bottles to refill with water
  • Keep the water sources clean, and do not scrub your clothes or dishes directly in the streams

Learn How To Provide Help

Learning the basics of first aid is crucial in case something happens or you need to provide emergency help to someone in the group or take care of a cut or a scrape on your skin.

What would you do if someone accidentally spilled boiling water from the campfire? Well, with a first aid kit, you can soothe the pain and treat the burn (at least until the person gets proper medical help).

Knowing the tips and tricks for using the first aid kit will help you prevent potential accidents and avoid dangerous situations.

Determine The Location

Choosing the campsite will determine the flow of the entire journey. Find an area that sparks your interest, whether it’s a nearby national park or a more distant campground. Learn the best trails you can hike on and identify the potential activities you can do.

Create a plan for your trip and ensure to stick to it as much as possible. Include the starting point, the places you want to visit, and when you plan to return home. And while we are elaborating on the location topic, it’s time to introduce some of the best campsites worldwide to give you a glimpse of the beauty that lies on this Earth.

The Best Campsites on Our List

To get the best of the camping trip, it’s important to plan your trip and get all of the necessary gear. So, now it’s time to check out some of the best campsites from across the globe.

  1. Yosemite National Park – it’s the perfect camping spot with its towering mountains and lush green scenery;
  2. Miyajima – this campsite is in Japan, and it’s one of the most beautiful islands in the world; also, it’s the home of many temples, deers, and stunning views;
  3. The Isle of Arran – its fantastic hiking trails and astonishing mountains put this place on our list; the island is located in Scotland, and it hosts plenty of outdoor activities;
  4. Acadia National Park – this is one of the most famous national parks, known for its camping spots; it attracts hikers, campers, and backpackers with its unique experience and glorified ocean views;
  5. Haleakala National Park – we have another national park on the list (why wouldn’t we?) located in Hawaii, known for the beautiful sunrise views, spectacular scenery, and popular campsites;
  6. Sahara Desert – we’ve all heard about the Sahara Desert in Morocco; it’s the perfect place for camping and a must-see destination;


While you are out there, make sure to enjoy the wilderness and try to connect with nature on a deeper level. Breathe with your lungs’ maximum capacity and create memories for a lifetime. Take time to reap the benefits of soaking in the fresh breeze from the trees or inhaling the forest aroma.

And more importantly, stay safe! Check our blog for more information on camping, hiking, and backpacking tips.

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