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The World’s Most Powerful Passports

The World’s Most Powerful Passports Japan

Henley Passport Index is the most recognized passport ranker in the world. This index is primarily focusing on the number of destinations by which a particular passport holder can access without a prior visa.

To calculate this index, the company Henley & Partners uses its own ongoing research data and travel information from the International Air Transport Association. Then finally publish the World’s Most Powerful Passports 2019 as follows.

According to the Henley Passport Index, Japan has the world’s most powerful passport out of all the countries. The second place holds by Singapore. Both countries are scoring around 190 in the index for the feature of visa-free or visa-on-arrival. Japan and Singapore, both countries are Asian. But the 14 years of index history was held by European countries like Germany. Even in 2018, Germany was the top place in the index list. But now, it seems Asian countries are getting stronger than other regions.

After Japan and Singapore, the next rank (second) for the world’s most powerful passports has a tie for Finland, Germany and South Korea. The travelers who own those passports can travel for 188 countries free – visa basis. Denmark, Italy, and Luxemburg are on the 3rd rank while France, Sweden, and Spain are on 4th rank. Now, you may wonder, where the most powerful names like the USA and the UK are. Since 2010, those countries remain in the lowest compared with other developed nations (6th place). On the other hand, Middle East countries like UAE and Saudi Arabia are gradually climbing up in the index.          

Refer a guide about passport for a cruise

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